Zingher Psychiatric


Board-Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist & Board Certified Psychiatrist located in Raleigh, NC and Richmond, VA


Nearly three out of four people with depression have severe symptoms that make it hard to get through the day. Dual board-certified psychiatrist Zev Zingher, MD, provides comprehensive care for depression, including medication, psychotherapy, and advanced options like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for treatment-resistant depression. Dr. Zingher makes it easy to get the help you need with a choice of in-person appointments at the offices of Zingher Psychiatric in Raleigh, North Carolina, or Richmond, Virginia, or a telehealth visit from any location in both states. Call or connect online today to begin your journey out of depression.

Depression Q & A

What causes depression?

Depression arises for many possible reasons, but a low mood is often related to problems you face in life. Many people become depressed when they lose a job, struggle with family conflicts, separate from their partner, or learn they (or someone they love) have a serious illness.

Daily circumstances like being emotionally or physically abused lead to depression. Depression is also associated with brain imbalances. 

Brainwave studies reveal underactive nerve activity in the brain areas responsible for regulating moods. Dysfunctional nerves cause low levels of neurotransmitters, which means nerves can’t communicate properly and depression develops.

What symptoms appear due to depression? 

Depression causes symptoms that affect your ability to engage in daily life, including:

  • Feeling sad, hopeless, and worthless
  • Losing interest in activities you enjoy
  • Gaining or losing weight 
  • Having insomnia or oversleeping
  • Moving slowly and aimlessly
  • Feeling drained of energy
  • Struggling to concentrate
  • Thinking about death or suicide

Depressed children may suddenly develop a fear of separating from their parents or worry their parents will die. Many people with depression also feel anxious and may become agitated or have angry outbursts.

How is depression treated?

Dr. Zingher begins by completing a psychiatric evaluation and learning about the cause of your depression. He has extensive experience improving your mood and energy level with a customized treatment plan that may include antidepressant medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.  

While antidepressants often improve the chemical imbalances in your brain, therapy supports your ability to deal with the daily pressures causing depression. You may learn to identify and change negative thoughts, work toward finding solutions, or learn to manage a current life transition, to give you a few examples.

Can I get help for treatment-resistant depression?

Unfortunately, 35% of people with depression won’t improve after trying two or three antidepressants. But don’t give up hope because transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has helped many people with treatment-resistant depression overcome their symptoms and restore a healthy, balanced mood.

TMS uses noninvasive and painless magnetic pulses to stimulate nerves in underperforming brain areas. As a result, nerve activity improves, neurotransmitter levels increase, and your depression improves.

Call Zingher Psychiatric today or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online to overcome depression and regain a thriving life.