Zingher Psychiatric

Medication Management

Board-Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist & Board Certified Psychiatrist located in Raleigh, NC and Richmond, VA

Medication Management

Psychiatric medications are often game-changers for people facing moderate to severe mental health symptoms. Dual board-certified psychiatrist Zev Zingher, MD, offers comprehensive medication management, ensuring you get the best medication and dosage and optimal symptom relief without side effects. Medication management services are available through in-person and telehealth visits. Call or use online booking to request an office appointment at Zingher Psychiatric in Raleigh, North Carolina, or Richmond, Virginia, or schedule a virtual visit if you live anywhere in North Carolina or Virginia.

Medication Management Q & A

What is medication management?

Medication management encompasses all the care you need to take psychiatric medications. In addition to getting a prescription, Dr. Zingher schedules follow-up appointments to monitor your symptoms, catch signs of side effects, and adjust your medication as needed to maintain optimal mental health.

Who might benefit from medication management? 

Psychiatric medications help people of all ages get significant relief from the symptoms of mental health conditions such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Substance use disorder (addiction and substance abuse)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Most patients achieve optimal results by combining medication management with psychotherapy.

How does genetic testing improve medication management? 

Dr. Zingher offers the option of having GeneSight® genetic testing. Genetic testing reveals:

  • How your body metabolizes psychiatric medications
  • How your genes change the effectiveness of specific medications
  • Which psychiatric medications are likely to cause side effects for you


Every person metabolizes medications differently based on their genes. Without genetic testing, the first medication you receive may or may not produce the best results. If it doesn’t, you must try other medications and dosages until you find the one that works for you.


With genetic testing, Dr. Zingher can prescribe the best medication and dose right from the start.

What should I expect during medication management appointments?

Your first appointment takes longer because Dr. Zingher completes a psychiatric evaluation to identify your mental health disorder and assess the severity of your symptoms. He recommends medications based on your mental health needs, and you decide whether or not you want to take them.

Psychiatric medications are highly beneficial but optional when psychotherapy can achieve the results you need. However, they are essential to improve the symptoms caused by a few mental health disorders. For example, you need medications to stop mood swings in bipolar disorder and to prevent psychosis caused by schizophrenia.

Your follow-up appointments take less time because you don’t need another comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Zingher learns if your symptoms have improved, asks about side effects, answers your questions, and then decides whether to refill or change your prescription.

He sends the prescription to your pharmacy, giving you the ability to get essential medications whether you visit in person or prefer a telehealth appointment.

Call Zingher Psychiatric today or connect online to request an in-person or virtual appointment or to learn more about psychiatric medication management.